Masks of Nyarlathotep Game 4- THE PARTY

A Benefit Auction for the Homeless, feat. Charlie Chaplin.

While tying off loose ends the Investigators grow in number and meet two new additions to their crew, the mysterious author Alden Cole and Great War Hero Major Stone.

In the midst of the swanky-frank will rough and tumble Maloy’s actions distract the guests long enough for the beleaguered Tex Huston to uncover some dope? Find out!

Masks of Nyarlathotep Game 3- Down the Well.

“I don’t like the cut of your jib, but it isn’t the worst cut I’ve ever seen.”-Matthew O’Connell Maloy

After the smoke has cleared and the zombies blown away, there remains but one activity in the basement of Ju-ju House. To open the ever enlarging well and reveal its secrets.

I’m not sure what they thought was down there, but in this episode they find out.

Afterwards people go insane.

Sucrose Park Finale

Two weeks ago, I ran Sucrose Park for a couple friends in Chicago.  Due to a sudden and unexpected time constraint, we had to turn this into a two-session game.  I didn’t have my recording equipment (pronounced “webcam”), but it was pretty sweet, so I brought my mic to record the final session.

This session includes the Brain Trust Dungeon Crawl and Robbie Drake, both of which were not seen in RPPR’s playtest.  I believe the entire scenario played for around 6 or 7 hours across both sessions.

Masks of Nyarlathotep Game 2

Rev. Hollis Brown vs. Matthew O’Connell Maloy

Caught between the dead body of Silas N’kwame and a group of knife weilding hobos, the investigators flee for their lives. They also meet a disgraced private detective.

With tensions high and relationships strained, it remains to be seen if the group can cooperate long enough to avenge Jackson Elias.