Tag Archive for Invasion

Plague of War – Session 5: ‘Find what he loves… And destroy it!’

After a several month hiatus, the mismatched group of would-be heroes (largely anarchists) return, prepared to once again take on the menace of Lord Doyle. Armed with nothing more than a plan to “find what he loves and kill it,” they get down to business…

Plague of War – Session 2: ‘Rats. Why did it have to be rats?’

We return to see our adventurer’s shortly after they have discovered the invasion of their village. A recent party member death prove little concern to them as they make their grand schemes to reclaim the village. Action quickly follows in the greatest challenge to date.

Plague of War – Session 1: ‘I never sausage an invasion!’

Against the backdrop of world tension and invasions, our heroes begin their adventure. Tasked with a search-and-rescue mission by the local community, they are unperturbed by the possibility of war and death, cracking jokes and searching for the long lost art of sausage making on the way.