Superworld Campaign 5 – Attack on Arclight

Wane isn’t the only villain seeking revenge, as Arclight finds out the hard way. Additionally, a group looking for Convoker arrives in Charlotte and attempts to capture the girl, claiming she’s been summoning demons all this time.

I started running a Superworld campaign for students at Appalachian State University in September 2014. The game was set in Charlotte, N.C., starting in the fall of 2014. It was a continuation of the stand-alone game of Superworld I ran in August, though taking place in the present instead of the 1980s, a kind of continuation of that game. This fifth session of the game took place on November 23, 2014, with the original scenario “Attack on Arclight.” My players were Kyle, James Brown, Briant, Logan, Bo, and Aaron.

The role playing journals for the session can be found here:

A playlist of the seven videos of the game session can be found here:


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