Doctor Who – Adventures in Time and Space – Games of Chance

The 10th Doctor had been travelling with Mickey Smith, Sgt. Major Phillip Wingate of UNIT, and a scientist who called himself Dr. Magus Johnson from the 21st Century for several days. Then they got an alert and found themselves in Las Vegas in the 1960s. Something was terribly wrong with the timestream.

At CaesarCon 2013, my friend Matt ran a game of Doctor Who – Adventures in Time and Space. I was actually able to play The Doctor, which was a LOT of fun. The game was played on March 24, 2013. The other players were Adam, Steve, and Trevor.

Role Playing Journal:

The scenario, available online, is here:

CORE Playtest – Part 1

In Seattle, four friends receive a mysterious letter that was lost in the mail. . . for over 50 years.  They bring the letter to its rightful owner, but their concern for the recipient’s mental health draws them into a chilling mystery with hints of the supernatural.

Perhaps they should be more concerned for their own safety.

This session is the first in a series of playtests for Lester Smith’s Core Role-Playing Game Rules.  For more information about the system, please visit

D20 Modern – Blackhawk Down (Walking Dead)

A month after the zombie apocalypse started, some of us found ourselves fleeing Michigan for Ohio. Then it really got hairy.

My name was Frank Strazynski, though people who knew me called me Sarge. I worked with the DEA before as part of a secret squad that dealt with drug problems in a straightforward way: with a gun. When my partner, Sam “God” Everready had wanted to get back to Michigan to be with his family, I went with him. I had nothing to lose. We ended up at Hopesville, Mich., just before it hit the fan there. The two other members of our squad were a couple of Michigan National Guardsmen: Nate Parker, who’s nickname was, for some reason “Flamboyant Hat” and a medic that went only by the name “Doc.”

At CaesarCon 2014, a friend of mine (Steve) ran a D20 Modern game based on the Walking Dead television series. This game was played on March 28, 2014 and continues the adventures of Sgt. Strazynski. Other players included Chris, Xavier, and Matt.

The Role Playing Journal of the game can be found here:

D20 Modern – Walker: Texas Danger (Walking Dead)

Some terrible things happened just as the zombie apocalypse was starting. This is one of those stories.

Before the zombie apocalypse that essentially ended civilization, I had been a cop, essentially. My name was Frank Strazynski, though people who knew me called me Sarge. I worked with the DEA as part of a secret squad that dealt with drug problems in a straightforward way: with a gun. My fellow squad-members were Chester Brickhouse, our heavy weapons guy; Sam “God” Everready, a sniper; and Jed Caliber, our medic.

At CaesarCon 2013, a friend of mine (Steve) ran a D20 Modern game based on the Walking Dead television series. This game was played on March 23, 2013 and was a prequel to The Walking Dead, actually. Other players included Adam, Chris, and Kevin.

Role Playing Journal of the session is here:

Base Raiders Episode 02 – wat

The base raiding crew begins to investigate the strange lair of The Wraith!  Magic traps, bizarre encounters, and a brief moment of 4D gaming courtesy of the fine folk at Colosseum Games!

This session’s special guest:  Fred Fredburger, the lovable monster. . . thing.

**This Base Raiders campaign is being run as a connected series of demos for Base Raiders at Kenosha, Wisconsin’s #1 FLGS, Colosseum Games.  Anyone interested has the option of dropping-in for a session or two to check out the game, so there may be some special guest-star characters!**

D20 Modern – The Walking Dead

The end of the world has come: the dead walk the earth and seek to take the living down into hell with them.

I was known as Shaggy McGuire in those end days, a washed out comic and pothead. I rode with a few others in our struggle for survival. There was Joey Lawrence, a former pawn shop owner, who rode with me. In the other car were Maize, a college co-ed; and Todd Schlachter, x-military. Finally, riding on a motorcycle (of all things) were Sam Jones, a factory worker; and Frank Edwards, who had been a cop.

At CaesarCon 2012, a friend of mine (Steve) ran a D20 Modern game based on The Walking Dead television series. This game was playing on March 17, 2012. Others playing the game included Scott, Angi, D.J., Rick, and Neal.

Role Playing Journal entries of the session can be found here: