
Started playing RPGs in mid-late high school with DnD 3.5. Played that until 4E came out a few years later. Entering college I widened my RPG system repetoire and now run a lot of DnD 4E, but some of the other systems include Call of Cthulhu, Savage Worlds, among others. I hope to run a few game of more "interesting" systems like The World of Synnibarr and Badass Presidents...

Plague of War – Session 6: ‘It’s so… slimy…’

In another attempt at to free their village create anarchy, the heroes return to the village once again, seeking to attack larder houses and weapons depots. Their plans are foiled by the fact that no one is in town. However, that is not to say that a special surprise wasn’t left in the town hall. Will it be a TPK? What will they make of the magic blank pages? Listen to find out!

Plague of War – Session 5: ‘Find what he loves… And destroy it!’

After a several month hiatus, the mismatched group of would-be heroes (largely anarchists) return, prepared to once again take on the menace of Lord Doyle. Armed with nothing more than a plan to “find what he loves and kill it,” they get down to business…

Slayers – ‘That’s not fair. There wasn’t time now.’

The famous agents of the Slayers Guild are called once again to investigate some strange happenings. After doing something with the prototype golem. Called to investigate a strange prison filled with elderly prisoners how many red herrings will they follow before finding what may or may not be going on?

Notes of Madness – Playtest 1

In late June 1928, George Gershwin returned to New York from Paris where he had hoped to study with famous composition teacher, Nadia Boulanger. She declined his request, however that doesn’t mean he returned empty-handed. Three mysterious pages of an unknown score plague his thoughts. When the investigators come upon these, where will they lead them?