Tag Archive for Traveller: The New Era

Traveller: The New Era – Strange Lights over Hokum

The agricultural world of Pradock in the Old Expanses had weathered the fall of the Imperium some 70 years before with little change to its population or technology. It was one of the lucky ones. The tech level 5 world was still in its industrial age and the lack of technology meant the Virus was able to get little foothold. In addition to producing produce, the world had a very strong entertainment industry.

The crew of the far trader Laverne get a job helping the port director of the planet when rumors and calls report that the town of Hokum is in trouble. Strange lights have been reported in the skies over the village. When they arrive, they find the town gripped in the panic of a full-blown alien invasion.

The crew consists of Captain Serena Merel who had originally served in the Reformation Coalition Navy; Hobart Pasternak from nearby Voskl, who handled administrative duties on the ship; Ajax Vester, the ship’s engineer, who was from Yesta; Major Adrian Thomas, who had served in the Reformation Coalition army and special operations; and Kryss Patterson, the ship’s steward, and from a habitat that had somehow survived the fall of the Imperium.

On May 21, 2011, I ran a game of Traveller: The New Era, playing the scenario “Strange Lights Over Hokum” by Michael R. Mikash from Challenge Magazine #73 with Melissa, Bowen, Brian Jett, Sid, and Brian Holder. This is their story.

A write-up of the game can be found here: http://www.penandpapergames.com/forums/entry.php/1619-Traveller-The-New-Era-5-22-11-Strange-Lights-Over-Hokum