Tag Archive for Birthright

Birthright – Family Matters

Shaemes Whitestaff was a young lad of 17 who had been content in his role as minor noble in the country of Aerenwe, at least until the current regent, Liliene Swordwraith, died in the early spring of the year 551 Michaeline. It was little less than a month later when it was determined that he was the next in line to the throne of the old woman and so he moved his court and advisors to the castle of Caer Callin in the village of Calrie in the province of that same name to become king. He was slight of frame with auburn hair and had been sick as a child. He was only a novice with war, having spent most of the time studying to learn the laws of the land and how to administer a government.

Gaelyn Markland was a priest of Haelyn. He was an aged gentleman who had seen 41 years; his hair was mostly white with only a little red left over from his younger days. He was stark and hard around the edges. He had been an advisor to King Shaemes’ father before his death the year before and now found himself in the court of the entirety of the kingdom, advising the boy king.

Ruinil hailed from the Erebannien mostly. He was tall and strapping. A true companion to his friends and liege, he dutifully served the boy king in whatever capacity he might need. He was a ranger of that forest and had been a yeoman for the family all of his life.

On January 4, 2013, I ran a game of Birthright for Jeff, Steve, and Erik.

The RPG Journal of the session can be found here: http://www.penandpapergames.com/forums/entry.php/1779-Birthright-Family-Matters

The game was also video recorded. The playlist of the 12 video recordings of the game session can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLonZ7fuFAFDoznmr4teQcDqA6seVQZ_Al