Tag Archive for Aftermath!


The War had been 20 years before, at the turn of the 20th century. It had consisted of a combination of nuclear, biological, and conventional war that had first strained all of the countries of the world before it had cracked and then broken civilization as a whole. Nuclear strikes and biological contamination had turned the cities into hellholes of radiation and viral poisoning. But after 20 years, travelers had come through who reported that it was possible to trespass in the cities and survive, though hostile mutants, diseased bandit tribes, and the still-lethal pollutants made it risky.

Five people came together in the ruins of the aftermath of the war. Five people met just as their food supplies were running low. Five people decided that being together would be safer than being alone.

On May 25, 2014, I ran a game of Aftermath! to play test it for review in Knights of the Dinner Table Magazine. My players were Kyle, Logan, Bo, Nissa, and John.

Role Playing Journal of the game can be found here:


A video playlist of the game is here:
