Call of Cthulhu – The Last Voyage of the Ivory Pride Session Two Part 2 (Skype Game)

On August 3, 2015, we played a one-shot Call of Cthulhu game with some people on Skype who had asked me to run for them. The scenario is “The Last Voyage of the Ivory Pride” which I found online and printed out some years ago. It seems to have completely disappeared from the internet since then. The year is 1925 off the Ivory Coast of Africa. The investigators are passengers (and one crewman) of the Ivory Pride, a steamship bound for Morocco. Something goes wrong on the second day. Can a con man, a radio announcer, an undertaker, and a big game hunter unravel what is going on aboard the ship before the Singing Man arrives? My players were Tim, Jeff, D.J., and Lily. Part three of three.

Unfortunately, the audio flubbed so this session was broken into two parts.

The role playing journals for the session can be found here:

No video recording of this game session.

Call of Cthulhu – The Last Voyage of the Ivory Pride Session Two Part 1 (Skype Game)

On August 3, 2015, we played a one-shot Call of Cthulhu game with some people on Skype who had asked me to run for them. The scenario is “The Last Voyage of the Ivory Pride” which I found online and printed out some years ago. It seems to have completely disappeared from the internet since then. The year is 1925 off the Ivory Coast of Africa. The investigators are passengers (and one crewman) of the Ivory Pride, a steamship bound for Morocco. Something goes wrong on the second day. Can a con man, a radio announcer, an undertaker, and a big game hunter unravel what is going on aboard the ship before the Singing Man arrives? My players were Tim, Jeff, D.J., and Lily. Part two of three.

Unfortunately, the audio flubbed so this session was broken into two parts.

The role playing journals for the session can be found here:

No video recording of this game session.

Call of Cthulhu Providence Campaign 18 – Madness or Death: The Nickerbocker’s Tale Session One

August of 1778 in Providence, R.I. The British have been dug in at nearby Newport since December of 1776. However the French began open support of the young country in February of this year. With their help, it should be possible to finally rid Rhode Island of the British. But other strange things are afoot. One local, Arthur Matchell, who lives just outside of Providence, is suspected of either being a Loyalist or aiding the British for some other reason. A committee was formed and several prominent men from Providence were asked to investigate Matchell and learn what his connection is with the British. If he is a Loyalist, he must be brought to justice.

I started running a Call of Cthulhu campaign for students at Appalachian State University in March 2014. The game was set in Providence, R.I., starting in the summer of 1925. The 18th session of the game took place on August 2, 2015, with the original scenario “Madness or Death: The Nickerbocker’s Tale.” While not technically with the Providence group, this interim game has connections with the campaign game that will soon be revealed. My players were David, Tabitha, Kyle, Nissa, Hannah, and Bo.

The role playing journals for the session can be found here:

A playlist of the eight videos of the game session can be found here:


Call of Cthulhu – The Last Voyage of the Ivory Pride Session One (Skype Game)

On July 22, 2015, we played a one-shot Call of Cthulhu game with some people on Skype who had asked me to run for them. The scenario is “The Last Voyage of the Ivory Pride” which I found online and printed out some years ago. It seems to have completely disappeared from the internet since then. The year is 1925 off the Ivory Coast of Africa. The investigators are passengers (and one crewman) of the Ivory Pride, a steamship bound for Morocco. Something goes wrong on the second day. Can a con man, a radio announcer, an undertaker, and a big game hunter unravel what is going on aboard the ship before the Singing Man arrives? My players were Tim, Jeff, D.J., and Lily. Part one of three.

The role playing journals for the session can be found here:

No video recording of this game session.

Call of Cthulhu Providence Campaign 17 – The Play’s the Thing: The Pirates of Candle Cove

In London in the summer of the year 1600, a new play has come to the Globe Theatre: “The Pirates of Candle Cove.” But strange things soon start happening. Can an actor, a stage hand, and a musician stop the play or will Candle Cove unfold?

I started running a Call of Cthulhu campaign for students at Appalachian State University in March 2014. The game was set in Providence, R.I., starting in the summer of 1925. The seventeenth session of the game took place on July 5, 2015, with the original scenario “The Play’s the Thing: The Pirates of Candle Cove.” While not technically in Providence or with the Providence group, this interim game has connections with the campaign game that will soon be revealed. My players were Nissa, Kyle, and Hannah.

The role playing journals for the session can be found here:

A playlist of the nine videos of the game session can be found here:


Superworld Campaign 13 – Fire and Ice Session Two

The investigation of the arsonist in Charlotte continues. Then … confrontation!

I started running a Superworld campaign for students at Appalachian State University in September 2014. The game was set in Charlotte, N.C., starting in the fall of 2014. It was a continuation of the stand-alone game of Superworld I ran in August, though taking place in the present instead of the 1980s, a kind of continuation of that game. This 13th session of the game took place on June 14, 2015, with the original scenario “Fire and Ice.” My players were Nissa, Kyle, Logan, and Aaron.

The role playing journals for the session can be found here:

A playlist of the seven videos of the game session can be found here:
