Call of Cthulhu Providence Campaign 23 – Come Forth the Shadows Session Four

Still worried about the the police and being caught for the kidnapping of Lily Mitchell, Miss Kennedy and Miss Malone study the books they have found and continue to look for clues to reversing the spell that has trapped an ancient Chinese sorceress in the little girl’s body.

I started running a Call of Cthulhu campaign for students at Appalachian State University in March 2014. The game was set in Providence, R.I., starting in the summer of 1925. The 22nd session of the game took place on Nov. 1, 2015, with the original scenario “Come Forth the Shadows.” My players were Natasha and Nissa.

The role playing journals for the session can be found here:

A playlist of the five videos of the game session can be found here:


Red Markets Beta – The Reformers – Episode 02

It’s The Reformer’s first gig and they’ve been contracted to investigate an abandoned coal mine.  Will they be able to find a new energy source for Jeff City?  What are all these bones doing here?  Will they get that sweet, sweet bounty?  I guess you’ll have to listen to find out.  Enjoy.


Laura – “Pixie” Mallory: Former pre-med student who volunteered as an EMT, Pixie was out west on an internship when the Crash went down. She’s been working her way back East and home alongside a slowly dwindling squad of Army Reservists ever since.

Ethan – “Freebird”: an Ozark gun dealer with a social justice streak. Used to run with a raider outfit, but got out when they turned white supremacist. He’s trying to make a better life for his black adopted son, Davion, who lost an arm to the raiders.

Aaron – Antonio “Elder” Delgado:  Smuggler turned Mormon missionary who got trapped in the States during the Crash.  Now he uses his truck and criminal past to earn enough for a one-way ticket back to Mexico.

You can find out more about Red Markets at and

Follow along with our after action reports on the RPPR Forums (spoilers):,1952.0.html

Warning: Explicit Content

Superworld Campaign 15 – The Visitor

A new superhero arrives in Charlotte and must deal with the strangeness there.

I started running a Superworld campaign for students at Appalachian State University in September 2014. The game was set in Charlotte, N.C., starting in the fall of 2014. It was a continuation of the stand-alone game of Superworld I ran in August, though taking place in the present instead of the 1980s, a kind of continuation of that game. This 15th session of the game took place on Oct. 18, 2015, with the original scenario “The Visitor.” My players were Katie and James.

The role playing journals for the session were at but the website seems to have vanished.

A playlist of the six videos of the game session can be found here:


Red Markets Beta – The Reformers – Episode 01

Four members of the Role Playing Public Radio forum fumble through Google Hangouts to play games.  This is Technical Difficulties.

Our Red Markets Beta playtest campaign begins!  Red Markets is an economic horror game by Caleb Stokes, coming to Kickstarter Summer 2016.   In the near future, the zombie apocalypse (nicknamed The Crash) has divided the country in half; with the East Coast living in relative safety, while those west of the Mississippi must struggle daily to survive in the wasteland (The Loss).  The players are Takers, those strong/crazy enough to risk their lives and earn enough Bounty to escape the horrors of The Loss.

You can find out more about Red Markets at and

In our first episode, we create our Enclave (base of operations), and negotiate for our first job.  Enjoy!


Laura – “Pixie” Mallory: Former pre-med student who volunteered as an EMT, Pixie was out west on an internship when the Crash went down. She’s been working her way back East and home alongside a slowly dwindling squad of Army Reservists ever since.

Ethan – “Freebird”: an Ozark gun dealer with a social justice streak. Used to run with a raider outfit, but got out when they turned white supremacist. He’s trying to make a better life for his black adopted son, Davion, who lost an arm to the raiders.

Aaron – Antonio “Elder” Delgado:  Smuggler turned Mormon missionary who got trapped in the States during the Crash.  Now he uses his truck and criminal past to earn enough for a one-way ticket back to Mexico.

Follow along with our after action reports on the RPPR Forums (spoilers):,1952.0.html

Warning: Explicit Content

Call of Cthulhu – Terror Over Tokyo 1.5: The Obake Shima Incident II Part 3

It is April 19, 1942, the day after the American attack on the island of Japan. In the turmoil following the attack, a squad of soldiers is quickly assembled to investigate the radio silence from the island of Obake Shima over the last three days and to re-garrison the island. Will any of them every be seen again?

On Oct. 11, 2015, I ran a Call of Cthulhu Game at the Appalachian State University Game Club LAN Party. “Terror Over Tokyo 1.5: The Obake Shima Incident II” took place right after the Doolittle Raid on Tokyo in April 1942, the players being Japanese soldiers. My players were Richard, Kit, Ashton, Goldie, Katelyn, Luke, Mike, Danny, Walker, and Alex.

Unfortunately, my audio recorder was not on for the beginning of the game so I ripped the audio from my video recordings. This audio is from the recorder and better than the first two. Part three of three.

The role playing journals for the session can be found here:

A playlist of the eight videos of the game session can be found here:


Call of Cthulhu – Terror Over Tokyo 1.5: The Obake Shima Incident II Part 2

It is April 19, 1942, the day after the American attack on the island of Japan. In the turmoil following the attack, a squad of soldiers is quickly assembled to investigate the radio silence from the island of Obake Shima over the last three days and to re-garrison the island. Will any of them every be seen again?

On Oct. 11, 2015, I ran a Call of Cthulhu Game at the Appalachian State University Game Club LAN Party. “Terror Over Tokyo 1.5: The Obake Shima Incident II” took place right after the Doolittle Raid on Tokyo in April 1942, the players being Japanese soldiers. My players were Richard, Kit, Ashton, Goldie, Katelyn, Luke, Mike, Danny, Walker, and Alex.

Unfortunately, my audio recorder was not on for the beginning of the game so I ripped the audio from my video recordings and the quality is not very good. Part two of three.

The role playing journals for the session can be found here:

A playlist of the eight videos of the game session can be found here:
