Tag Archive for Stormbringer


Three men met in the city of Cadsandria in the country of Argimiliar in the Young Kingdoms and, knowing that their fates might fare better than if each was alone, they banded together. It was not long before they heard tell of the Cadsandrian merchant prince by the name of Vered Veredan who was hiring adventurers.

Darlanden was a young hunter from Filkar. Uldrid was an Ilmioran who had seen the turning of well over 50 years. The third member of their small party was a filthy, diseased beggar who called himself Iskar Scrab. The leper was from Eshmir. Together, they would try to find ancient Melnibonean artifacts … and survive.

On May 7, 2011, I ran a small group through the introductory adventure in the 4th Edition Stormbringer book. James, Richard, and Eric all had a pretty good time.

A write-up of the game can be found here: http://www.penandpapergames.com/forums/entry.php/1615-Stormbringer-5-7-11