Tag Archive for One-Shot

It’s all or nothing in this single-session adventure.

Call of Cthulhu – With Extreme Prejudice

On Friday, May 2, 1969, an M35 2 ½ ton truck crossed Vietnam from Long Binh Jail near Saigon to a relatively deserted area of jungle west of Pleiku, near the border of Cambodia. Each of the men within had accepted the offer that was made by a mysterious officer present at Long Binh Jail to go on a top-secret mission with the promise of having the charges against them dropped.

On March 28, 2014, I ran the original Call of Cthulhu scenario “With Extreme Prejudice” at CaesarCon 2014. My players were Josh, Lily, Steve, Liu, Nathan, and Chris.

Role Playing Journals of the game can be found here:


A video playlist of the game is here:


Barsoom Interlude – Pathfinder

Heroes from Golarion have been summoned by John Carter to rescue Dejah Thoris during a coordinated uprising of the Green Men of Mars.  This game is based on characters from the John Carter of Mars series by Edgar Rice Burroughs, and was played as a short Saturday morning pickup game at Geek.Kon in Madison, WI on Sept. 10, 2011.

Two players handled three characters, all 5th level:

Abryssa of Dorn – a Gnome bard

Urluk the Furious – a half-Orc barbarian

Wald Orcsbane – a Human fighter.

Fear Itself – “Uncle George’s Halloween Party”

Uncle George is eccentric but extremely wealthy. On Halloween for his 70th birthday he holds a party in a recently acquired hunting lodge that he claims has a horrific past. Guests at the party seem skeptical, but when things start getting real, will they panic, or keep their cool and survive?

Badass Presidents – MegaRobotCthulhu

In the future the world has gone to crap. Only the presidents of the great United States of America are powerful enough to fight the cosmic horrors and evil past dictators. In this adventure the intrepid group of Commander-in-Chiefs travels from Mt. Rushmore to deep below the ocean, fighting all sorts in between.