Tag Archive for Campaign

Call of Cthulhu – Down Darker Trails 16 – Jack West Interlude

Jack West has been absent for some time.  Time to catch up with him.

On January 8, 2019, the Down Darker Trails campaign, taking place in the American West, continued with the original scenario “Jack West Interlude.”  The player was James.

Audio of the game session is here:


The role playing journals of the game session are here:


Additionally, a playlist of 3 videos of the game session and a highlights video can be found here:


Call of Cthulhu – Down Darker Trails 15 – The Vengeance of Jack Parker

The investigators finally arrive in Granite, Colorado, where Marshal Clayton Pierce’s son was gunned down by Jack Parker.  What is the criminal doing here?  What does he want?  How can he be dealt with?  Are others looking for him as well?

On December 2, 2018, the Down Darker Trails campaign, taking place in the American West, continued with the original sceanrio“The Vengeance of Jack Parker.”  Players were Ashton, Kyle, John, Yorie, and Ben.

Audio of the game session is here:


The role playing journals of the game session are here:


Additionally, a playlist of 7 videos of the game session and a highlights video can be found here:


Call of Cthulhu – Down Darker Trails 14 – The Spiral Crypts

Distracted from their goal, some of the investigators stumble across Pete Sutter and decide to help him find his stolen piece.

On November 11, 2018, the Down Darker Trails campaign, taking place in the American West, continued with “The Spiral Crypts” by Clint Staples (online).  Players were John, Yorie, and Ben.

Audio of the game session is here:


The role playing journals of the game session are here:


Additionally, a playlist of 7 videos of the game session and a highlights video can be found here:


Call of Cthulhu – Down Darker Trails 13 – Through the Night

A clue leads the investigators to western Colorado in search of the elusive Jack Parker, who disappeared off the Sequoyah Star several months before.  However, along the way, they discover a strangely deserted hotel.

On October 28, 2018, the Down Darker Trails campaign, taking place in the American West, continued with “Through the Night” by Leonard Wilson from Dungeon Adventures #29.  Players were Kyle, Yorie, Ben, John, and Whitney.

Audio of the game session is here:


The role playing journals of the game session are here:


Additionally, a playlist of 8 videos of the game session and a highlights video can be found here:


Call of Cthulhu – Down Darker Trails 12 – The Causal Enigma

The investigators arrive in the strange Gravity Falls, Oregon, and find their contact there.  But things suddenly become strange when they lose their bodies!

On September 30, 2018, the Down Darker Trails campaign, taking place in the American West, continued with the original scenario “The Causal Enigma or Strange Times in Gravity Falls.” Players were Ashton, Kyle, Yorie, Ben, John, Whitney, and James.

Audio of the game session is here:


The role playing journals of the game session are here:


Additionally, a playlist of 11 videos of the game session and a highlights video can be found here:
