Plague of War – Session 1: ‘I never sausage an invasion!’

Against the backdrop of world tension and invasions, our heroes begin their adventure. Tasked with a search-and-rescue mission by the local community, they are unperturbed by the possibility of war and death, cracking jokes and searching for the long lost art of sausage making on the way.

GM Notes: We had a little hiccup in the recording process where it stopped and we missed a few minutes of the game, but it’s pretty easy to tell what’s happening. For this first session, I ran an adventure from Dungeon Delve. Any comments or suggestions to help improve my GMing would be greatly appreciated. Oh, and please excuse the bad puns…

Richard: Fritz – Warlord, adopted son of Dussel the dwarven sausage maker…

Steven: Hanz – Paladin, always listens to his heart to guide him true…

Andrew: Bane – Bard, he has no back story, he was born, he grew up in an inn, he plays an instrument…

Chris: Franz – Warlock, exiled by the gnomes for being immature and masochistic…

Alan: Krauth – Wizard, old, wise, knowledgeable, and yet still somehow only level 1…


Started playing RPGs in mid-late high school with DnD 3.5. Played that until 4E came out a few years later. Entering college I widened my RPG system repetoire and now run a lot of DnD 4E, but some of the other systems include Call of Cthulhu, Savage Worlds, among others. I hope to run a few game of more "interesting" systems like The World of Synnibarr and Badass Presidents... 


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