A Hyrule United: D&D 4th Edition Legend of Zelda, Episode 2

We remember the tower, the black sentinel casting dark shadows over the graveyard, but no one has dared to scale its’ height in many years, and Kakariko Village has long learned that living in fear is preferable to dying from curiosity.  But when events demand further exploration into the old legends, what will our intrepid heroes learn when they dare to climb the old Windmill?

Barsoom Interlude – Pathfinder

Heroes from Golarion have been summoned by John Carter to rescue Dejah Thoris during a coordinated uprising of the Green Men of Mars.  This game is based on characters from the John Carter of Mars series by Edgar Rice Burroughs, and was played as a short Saturday morning pickup game at Geek.Kon in Madison, WI on Sept. 10, 2011.

Two players handled three characters, all 5th level:

Abryssa of Dorn – a Gnome bard

Urluk the Furious – a half-Orc barbarian

Wald Orcsbane – a Human fighter.