Tag Archive for Ghosts

Fear Itself – “Uncle George’s Halloween Party”

Uncle George is eccentric but extremely wealthy. On Halloween for his 70th birthday he holds a party in a recently acquired hunting lodge that he claims has a horrific past. Guests at the party seem skeptical, but when things start getting real, will they panic, or keep their cool and survive?

Masks of Nyarlathotep Game 22: Buckley’s Ghost and Desert Toast

This session re-introduces the Reverend Hollis Brown. Being unable to unlearn what he has learned the Rev began a fight against the forces of “satan” and meets up with the investigators as they prepare to sally forth and confront a ghost in the desert.

Vicious snakes, Larrikins and Abos lurk in plain sight,  set to spring upon unwary investigators.

Slayers – ‘That’s not fair. There wasn’t time now.’

The famous agents of the Slayers Guild are called once again to investigate some strange happenings. After doing something with the prototype golem. Called to investigate a strange prison filled with elderly prisoners how many red herrings will they follow before finding what may or may not be going on?