Base Raiders Episode 01 – Loot Bases. Live Better

In the poor, rundown city of Bucketsford, Wisconsin, the Mahatma Gandhi Cultural Center is about to be replaced by a Super Walmart. Since the stereotypical redneck town is more concerned about guns and the Packers, they don’t seem to care about losing a cultural center dedicated to .00025% of the population (Old Sam Hurley’s great-grandpa had an exciting night with an “escort” in India once).

Yet there are those that suspect a hidden truth beneath the cultural center. The player characters (a wealthy pair of Russian brothers with telepathic and old-school beatdown powers, a master con-artist driven by the almighty dollar, and a retired cop just trying to keep valuable base loot from falling into the wrong hands),  having heard rumors of the cultural center serving as a front for an old super-villain, must investigate the base and make off with the loot before Super Walmart is able to get their hands on the goods and make them available for insanely low prices.

If it were only that easy. There are many secrets that lurk in the base. . . and not all of them can be sold on the black market. And the people of Bucketsford may not appreciate visitors. . .

Southern-speaking Wisconsinites, surprising revelations, and layers of mystery await!

**This Base Raiders campaign is being run as a connected series of demos for Base Raiders at Kenosha, Wisconsin’s #1 FLGS, Colosseum Games.  Anyone interested has the option of dropping-in for a session or two to check out the game, so there may be some special guest-star characters!**

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